General Vision & Viewpoint Questions

Sample 70 mark questions:

  • “The general vision & viewpoint is shaped by the reader’s feeling of optimism or pessimism in reading the text”
  • “Each text we read presents us with an outlook on life that may be bright or dark or a combination of brightness & darkness”
  • “The general vision and viewpoint of texts can be quite similar or very different”
  • “The general vision and viewpoint of a text can be determined by the success or failure of a central character in his/her efforts to achieve fulfilment.”

Sample 30 / 40 mark questions:

(a)    How did you come to your understanding of the general vision and viewpoint in any one of the texts you read as part of your comparative course?    (30)
(b)    Write a comparison between two other texts on your course in the light of your understanding of the general vision and viewpoint in those texts.    (40)

(a) Choose a key moment from one of your chosen texts & show how it influenced your understanding of the gen. v & v (30)
(b) With reference to 2 other texts compare the way in which key moments influence your understanding of the general vision & viewpoint. (40)

(a) Write a note on the general vision & viewpoint of one text and on how it is communicated to the reader. (30)
(b) Compare the general vision & viewpoint in two other texts. (40)

(a) What did you enjoy about the exploration of the general vision & viewpoint in any one of the texts you studied. (30)
(b) Write a short comparison of your two other texts in the light of your answer to part (a) above. (40)

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